Welcome to the Pumpkin Patch! I'll be using this page as a home base for everything you need to know about the Pumpkin Patch Crochet-Along, so make sure you bookmark it!
The official sign-up period ended Sept 10, but you can still join us for the crochet-along. Just visit my Ravelry shop and get a copy of the pattern for Pumpkin #1. You can get caught up on the lessons from the Post Index section below and post your pumpkin pictures in the Flikr group!
Remember that we'll be having a pumpkin contest starting on October 25 and your finished pumpkins must be loaded to the Flikr group by then to qualify!
Flikr Group
Post Index
Materials List
Getting Started
Growing Your Pumpkins
The Incredible Shrinking Pumpkin
Pumpkin Shaping
Bonus: Flowers and Leaves
Blog Badge
Show it off -- you know you want to!